Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It's  a karma,
Anyway,  always pray the BEST for our generation...
We have parents,  who are our father, mother, father   in law and mother in law...
Then, we also have children, especially and normally for married person...
Do best to your  parents and  In sha Allah Allah will pay the best for  you back

[Adapted from Facebook]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Interesting Quotes

This is so TRUE... 

Allah tak pernah janji, orang yang kahwin akan dapat anak.
Allah tak pernah janji, orang yang kerja siang malam akan jd kaya.


Sesungguhnya Janji Allah Itu Pasti..!! Siapa jaga solat, maka dia adalah orang yang BERJAYA. Siapa jaga solat, maka Allah akan angkat kesempitan hidup d dunia. Siapa jaga solat, Allah akan angkat seksa kubur. Siapa jaga solat, Allah akan beri buku amal dgn tangan kanan. Siapa jaga solat, dapat lintas titian sirat sepantas kilat. Siapa jaga solat, akan masuk syurga tanpa hisab.

- Adapted from Facebook

~ Danish &   Melissa ~
(sweet child of mine)

Whatever it is,
I would like to say  THANK YOU Allah for giving  us a beauty and perfect children...
I am so grateful...
Ahmad Danish  Faqih & Melissa  Nur Batrisya,
Mummy  and Daddy love both of you till the  end of the day...
Sayang Danish and Melissa so much :')
Mummy always love and miss both of  you  :D