Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shananana Shalalala!

Hey baby!
It doesn't matter u r a BOY or a GIRL,
We will accept u as our child...
3 doctors said u were a GIRL, which at first actually 2 doctors said u were a GIRL and there is only 1 doctor mentioned u as a BOY, but happily, the 1 doctor who said u were a BOY said    'Saya tgk mcm pompuan pulak'...
I just can only SMILE :)
Whatever it is, we wish for a healthy one, not regret about Danish but Alhamdulillah Danish, ur brother is free from heart disease (jantung berlubang)...
We love u, our new baby and will waiting for you,
InsyaAllah at the right time
(Please not February cause there are many Februarians in our family which started with Aunty Diha, 0502, Atuk Desa 0802, Busu, 2502 and ... )

Dear Allah,
Please listen to our doa and always guide us,
Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin...