Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crazy for Cotton$ from Bandung

Assalamualaikum semua...
Wow, actually there r so lots and lots of stories to tell..
I don't know which story to tell first...
So, yang mana ada gambar in the lappy, I will tell it
The rest, soon eh...

So, the best to tell is about what I LIKE the MOST :P
Recently, one of my officemates (I mean at my new workplace), Noreen, boleh gelar dia MISS COTTON sb dia memang suka kain cotton dan hari hari kerja dia mesti pakai kain cotton...
She is single,she likes to travel, kain cotton yang dijualnya ni dibeli from Bandung, Indonesia...Memang best...!
So, I lah juara pembelinya, siap 6 pasang aku amek..ha..untuk siapa lagi, kalau bukan, the ladies in my family...

Semua kain adalah terlalu cantik, sampai banyak kali kena pilih,jap yang itu, jap yang ini..sebabnya, I want to choose pair designs to us, maksudnya, corak sama dengan warna yang berbeza...


~ see, in a week at NEW workplace, I dah boleh shopping ni lagi...~
~ Noreen, the tauke siap bawa 2 bagasi of these kain, ok : D ~
~ mula mula nk choose English design utk my Mama in law n sis in law tp nanti org ckp mcm design langsir la - teringat one of my sis in law cakap mcmtu :P ~
~ above are the selected cottons that I confused to choose ~
~ apa yang pasti, I grabbed for our favourite colour which is; Emak loves ORANGE, Madiha loves PURPLE and Me, myself loves PINK!~
Lastly, not to forget to my in law side, which for Fatin, Farah and Mama...
(From left is; Fatin, Me, Acik (Farrah), Mama, Emak and Madiha)
So, I spent around almost to RM500 for these cotton kain,
Happily, the tailor was Mama's neighbour, Aunty ape ye, panggil Aunty je...
Alhamdulillah, tercapai jua hajat nak beli kain sama pattern utk org org yang tersayang ni...
I'm luckily I got the cheap price because one of my cousin said kawan dia jual sehelai kain sahaja
RM400 - RM500, WOW!
Well, it's logical sometimes because of the quality of the kain - soft and valuable, and
that's important :D