I knew, as a Muslim we r not celebrate it but,
16 June 2011 is more memorable because it's about world.
Satu dunia MENGINGATINYA bukan sekadar meraikannya...
Cakes, cards, present, and even a dinner/lunch together, family reunion might be happened during that day, rite?
The most important is the relationship between children and their father, family r getting closer each day especially...
Ok, that's my opinion, my advice is:
always think POSITIVE.
So do to our family, it was Saturday n my Emak, Adik n me, myself baked a Father's Day chocolate cake.
16 June 2011 is more memorable because it's about world.
Satu dunia MENGINGATINYA bukan sekadar meraikannya...
Cakes, cards, present, and even a dinner/lunch together, family reunion might be happened during that day, rite?
The most important is the relationship between children and their father, family r getting closer each day especially...
Ok, that's my opinion, my advice is:
always think POSITIVE.
So do to our family, it was Saturday n my Emak, Adik n me, myself baked a Father's Day chocolate cake.
~ so colourful, we just play with the icing n colours! ~
I posted it in FB and my wish is as followed:
::would like to wish Happy Father's Day to my lovely Abah, my Ayah in law, the best father in law ever, n my beloved husband::
These 3 men r so meant to me. They r SUPERMAN, haha
(bukan yg boleh terbang tu aje)
Only people who knows my 3 heroes can describe BEST about them
Abah - kasihnya dibawa ke Syurga, byk pengorbanannya dari kecil hinggalah dewasa.kadang2 rasa sedih dgn apa yg telah dilakukan spt pernah melawan ckp Abah, merajuk, merungut, xdengar nasihat, xdpt jadi anak yg terbaik...Abah byk menolong, Abah pandai masak, masa dalam pantang hrtu Abah yg masakkan, Abah mengasuh Danish lagi...Abah seorang yg pengasih dan juga penyayang..bukan saja pd manusia, juga pd haiwan especially kucing, Abah selalu bg kucing makan, even kucing orang, Abah selalu ckp 'rezeki tu..' Abah syg sgt dekat cucunya, Danish tu, tmbh lg cucu sulung la katakan...InsyaAllah I will show n present u all my best..Abah inspires me especially in my study...
Ayah - as a 'family man', mula2 takut + malu dgn Ayah tp lama2 dh biasa..ayah byk utamakan family dulu...ayah adil dlm byk perkara tambah lg tentang anak2 dan cucu2..kalau sorang anak dpt sofa,anak lain pn akan dpt,kalau sorang cucu dpt katil, another cucu pn akn dpt yg SAMA pulak tu...Ayah,kami byk terhutang budi dgn Ayah tmbh lg ttg kos pembedahan jantung Danish (erm,tetiba menangis pulak wanita besi ni) :p...ms Harie ckp 'Ayah, nnt kita ganti blk ye.." Ayah ckp 'rezeki Danish tu, xpyhla..simpan duit tu'..How to express it? Ayah byk beli hadiah kalau Ayah outstation ke mana2, Indonesia, Sabah...byk Ayah belikan brooch, baju, gelang, mutiara, etc..maklumlah I sorang menantu perempuan...Kalau raya, giliran raya di Perlis, Ayah mesti beraya di Perlis..Ayah ckp rs sedih pulak anak2 xada ms raya, selagi sihat Ayah akan dtg raya bersama...terharu dgn pengorbanan Ayah..Ayah, I will remember all of these, Ayah.
Harie - he is my everything. he is a family man too...he only concentrate on his family...even before this I ever asked him about '' cinta lama' dia..hehe..kdg2 dia cerita n I laugh so loud because I knew that 'girl'..now, we r friends...I feel so proud n safe with this guy. I know that he knew about HIM but xpela, kt org kasih syg dan cinta blh dipupuk perlahan lahan...dgn bantuan kedua2 keluarga, I will try to IGNORE my 1st lover..just keep him somewhere, inside my heart, probably. kalau Harie boleh buat, kita pn mesti boleh bukan? Semoga jodoh kami dipanjangkan olehNya dan dikurniakan kesihatan yg sihat senantisa, rezeki, anak anak, kebahagiaan kehendaknya...
~ my sis in law ordered from their friend, Aleeya ~
~ as usual, Danish was so excited to 'opening' the Father's Day ~
May Allah blessed our family.
Jom tido, Zzzz...