It happened last week.
It was a school holidays, so maybe the cause is there were many people.
Or else;
1. The driver didn't know how to park (in a right way)
2. Tak biasa tempat orang
3. Dah nak jadi kan?
So, I posted it on FB...
"Mmg rim keta saya slalu langgar keta org"-Compensation:RM150+re -polish+re-wax+re-cat gurantee+haktuihhh oleh aku!"
Boleh pulak Pakcik Driver tu ckp mcmtu kan...
What do you feel if this is happened to you?
Luckily the car didn't hit from front because Danish was sleeping at the moment.
Harie went out to night market, when it happened I thought that the BIG bonzer driver will went out from his car, but sadly, he just sat in his car while waiting for his friend bought a prepaid topup ( I think so!)
I called Harie to rush to the incident...I out from my car and fortunately Harie arrived.
The guy said that the day was his bad day because bla bla bla...
I was angry at that time, Harie was a COOLER as well as you know la kan...
I said ' kete kecik pn xreti parking betul2 ke?'
Something like that sebab bila dah marah kan...
Negative words will come out automatically from ur mouth...
It was a school holidays, so maybe the cause is there were many people.
Or else;
1. The driver didn't know how to park (in a right way)
2. Tak biasa tempat orang
3. Dah nak jadi kan?
So, I posted it on FB...
"Mmg rim keta saya slalu langgar keta org"-Compensation:RM150+re
Boleh pulak Pakcik Driver tu ckp mcmtu kan...
What do you feel if this is happened to you?
Luckily the car didn't hit from front because Danish was sleeping at the moment.
Harie went out to night market, when it happened I thought that the BIG bonzer driver will went out from his car, but sadly, he just sat in his car while waiting for his friend bought a prepaid topup ( I think so!)
I called Harie to rush to the incident...I out from my car and fortunately Harie arrived.
The guy said that the day was his bad day because bla bla bla...
I was angry at that time, Harie was a COOLER as well as you know la kan...
I said ' kete kecik pn xreti parking betul2 ke?'
Something like that sebab bila dah marah kan...
Negative words will come out automatically from ur mouth...
Bila kita xlanggar keta org,org pulak yg langgar keta kita,it seems like our life too,kita xkacau life org,org pulak yg kacau life kita,haishhh,kesian my RaJa ni :O
AFF 2020, I still remember the plat.